"Rufus" the Yellow Bullhead Catfish |
- White chin barbels
- Yellow-Brownish color depending on the lighting, can also be very dark brown
- Blackish-Brown speckles and spots
- 4 bottom whiskers, 2 longer whisksers on either side of the mouth, and 2 short, stubby whiskers on top of their mouth, right beside their eyeballs
- May have black trim on their fins, which looks very nice
- Usually pretty big head and smaller body
- Anything that fits in their mouth
- I have fed my bullheads minnows, ham, chicken liver, bacon, and worms
- Where I live their is a small stream that has a sandy, rocky bottom. Bluegills, minnows, bass, crayfish, and baby bullheads live there. In the summer is when you can catch the baby bullheads in nets or minnow traps. They are only like 2.5 inches at most, usually smaller. They prefer muddy water. If you have a stream or small pond that has a decent supply of fish in it, it probably has bullheads. If you don't know your stream or pond has bullheads in it, then in the summer after it rained (so the water is muddy), put on a worm and see what you catch. Just hope the bluegills and sunfish don't get in the way.
- I know some places where bullheads grow huge, but thoughs are black and brown bullheads. The black and brown bullheads grow bigger and are more aggressive.
- I will be making another post on taking care of these cool fish
Those aren't Yellow Bullheads. I believe what you've got there are Flat Bullheads. There are only two types of Bullheads that have a spot @ the base of the dorsal fin. They are the Flat & Snail Bullheads. Snail Bullheads have an overbite similar to a channel catfish. Flat Bullheads have a somewhat compressed body and head. Yours are Flat Bullheads for sure! Google Images has a lot of good images of both types. You can't always go by the color. Color is usually determined by the water quality, time of year ,and what they have been feeding on. Enjoyed looking at your pictures!